WP4: Local Energy Systems – Micro Grids

Analysis of advanced asset management on PV, inverters and energy storage by using pattern

They will test the concept of micro grids, both with and without connection to the grid.

Two demonstrator areas:
- Smart distributed power with PV and energy storage (Glava test park and Eltek system)
- Optimised operation of PV plants with advanced error detection and prediction (Glava test park and Arvika PV parks and Prediktor O&M software).

Update 2017-06-16:

The micro grid from Eltek (with PV and batteries) is now installed and up and running. Various data analyses is ongoing on patterns of loads and PV production for system optimization.

Update 2017-11-30:

Two thesis works /(masters) fråm Glava Energy Center published:

Feasibility of DC microgrids for rural electrification

DC system and DC microgrids are gaining popularity in recent times. This thesis suggests a method to state the workability of a DC based PV system using the softwares Simulink, PVsyst and HOMER. The aims of this project include suggesting a DC based architecture, finding out the performance ratio and a cost analysis. The advantages of the DC based system, the cost benefits associated with it and its performance will determine its feasibility. Read more...

Krishna Prasad Vijayaragavan, Dalarna University and Glava Energy Center

Testing of Apis System Platform in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System and Comparison with Metrum for Fault Detection and Diagnosis

A real time data management web-based software-platform for PV plant monitoring called Apis was tested for fault detection and diagnosis of large scale grid-connected photovoltaic systems. This method was compared with Metrum system which is also another web based monitoring system used in grid connected PV systems. Read more...

Getu Temasgen Yeneneh, Dalarna University and Glava Energy Center

WP Leader:
Magnus Nilsson
Glava Energy Center, Sweden

Managing partner was

Metrum, Sweden

Project Partners were

Eltek, Norway

Rejlers Embriq, Norway

Enerjisa, Turkey

Glava Energy Center, Sweden

MälarEnergi, Sweden

STRI, Sweden

Funding partners were

Smart Grids Plus ERA-Net

Swedish Energy Agency

The Research Council of Norway



Horizon 2020

Other contributing organisations were

- Prediktor
- Municipality of Arvika
- Pöyry
- University of Borås
- University of Dalarna
- Karlstad University

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