WP Reports

Work Package reports:

Thesis works (masters):

Feasibility of DC microgrids for rural electrification

DC system and DC microgrids are gaining popularity in recent times. This thesis suggests a method to state the workability of a DC based PV system using the softwares Simulink, PVsyst and HOMER. The aims of this project include suggesting a DC based architecture, finding out the performance ratio and a cost analysis. The advantages of the DC based system, the cost benefits associated with it and its performance will determine its feasibility. Read more...

Krishna Prasad Vijayaragavan, Dalarna University and Glava Energy Center

Testing of Apis System Platform in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System and Comparison with Metrum for Fault Detection and Diagnosis

A real time data management web-based software-platform for PV plant monitoring called Apis was tested for fault detection and diagnosis of large scale grid-connected photovoltaic systems. This method was compared with Metrum system which is also another web based monitoring system used in grid connected PV systems. Read more...

Getu Temasgen Yeneneh, Dalarna University and Glava Energy Center

CIRED Reports:

Performance indicators for quantifying the ability of the grid to host renewable electricity production

This paper proposes a comprehensive set of performance indicators that should be used when evaluating the hosting capacity of a system. Descriptions are given for the most relevant phenomena and how they should be quantified and measured. The suggested time resolution for the data has been 1 hour, 10 min and 3 s, based on what is available already in standard meters. The use of 100, 99 or 95-percentile values have an impact on the hosting capacity, and there is a need for further discussion with regards to the selection of statistical limits. - Read report...

Oscar Lennerhag, Gustavo Pinares och Math HJ Bollen, STRI AB samt Georgios Foskolos och Tokhir Gafurov, Mälarenergi AB

Using measurements to increase the accuracy of hosting capacity calculations

This paper has compared 5 different methods for calculating the hosting capacity in a distribution grid. The results show a large difference in the obtained hosting capacity depending on the method used. It was found that the use of measurements in the calculations greatly increases the hosting capacity, compared to when using assumptions based on a “worst case scenario”, without increasing the risk for the network operator or other customers. It was also found that the statistical index used (i.e. 100, 99 or 95%) has a large impact on the calculated hosting capacity. - Read report...

Oscar Lennerhag, Susanne Ackeby och Math HJ Bollen, STRI AB samt Georgios Foskolos och Tokhir Gafurov, Mälarenergi AB

Other Presentations (pdf)

About EPR project

What is Pattern Recognition?

Pattern Recognition is a branch of machine learning that focuses on the recognition of patterns and regularities in data. Algorithms such as support vector machines, often trained by labeled training data, form its core. Today, the technology is used in many applications such as finger print recognition and in online search engines.

The EPR project will apply pattern recognition technology to power quality and other related electrical grid data such as smart energy meter readings to develop tools for grid operators and energy companies to optimise the power system and enable a higher share of renewable energy generation.

Managing partner was

Metrum, Sweden

Project Partners were

Eltek, Norway

Rejlers Embriq, Norway

Enerjisa, Turkey

Glava Energy Center, Sweden

MälarEnergi, Sweden

STRI, Sweden

Funding partners were

Smart Grids Plus ERA-Net

Swedish Energy Agency

The Research Council of Norway



Horizon 2020

Other contributing organisations were

- Prediktor
- Municipality of Arvika
- Pöyry
- University of Borås
- University of Dalarna
- Karlstad University

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